Detect and eliminate household insects with effective traps
Domobios products are effective, non-toxic and safe for animals and children.

Patented products
All our traps are patented in many countries.

Natural traps
Our products do not contain any toxic substances.

Proven effectiveness
Many comparative studies have proven the effectiveness of our traps.

Our strengths
Our products are environmentally friendly, safe for children, dogs and cats.
Our effective solutions for private individuals
Eliminate cockroaches
Discover our traps to detect and eliminate cockroaches

Eliminating Bed Bugs
Discover our traps to detect and eliminate bed bugs

Eliminate allergenic mites from your pet’s basket
Discover our traps to eliminate dust mites from your dog or cat’s basket.

We propose patented traps without toxic substances in our eshop
Eliminate domestic insects such as mites, bedbugs, cockroaches from your home!
Why choose our solutions

Homes, hotels or restaurants are invaded by insects and other small pests such as dust mites.
They are everywhere: in the beds, the cupboards, behind the fridge and even in the baskets of the dogs or cats.
Are you trying to get rid of these creepy pests with chemical treatments?
But toxic products, insecticides, are working less and less well.
Over time, the insects have become resistant to insecticides.
Our traps are designed to eliminate household insects naturally, without any insecticides.

Our efficient solutions for professionals

Hotel and Restaurant owners
Welcome your customers, not the bugs.
If you don’t detect the problem with a good device, if you don’t act quickly, you risk a health closure and your reputation may suffer.
Use our effective traps against bed bugs and cockroaches.

Pest control & specialized DIY shops
Your customers are being invaded by small pests, but your insect control offerings are limited. The regulations are complex and changing. It is hard to follow the last changes. Help your customer effectively and direct them to innovative, easy-to-use products, which will not bring any regulatory difficulties for you.

Allergenic dust mites are present in hundreds of thousands of individuals in the baskets of dogs and cats. They can trigger dermatological problems for dogs and cats.
Help atopic dogs and cats by relieving them of the allergenic load represented by the mites.

Breeders - Groomers
Do your clients have dogs and cats with skin allergies? Could it be due to the presence of allergenic dust mites? Advise your customers and propose them a safe product that helps to eliminate dust mites from baskets.
We propose easy-to-use and effective devices for businesses and professionals.
Our strengths

No toxic products

Certified efficiency.

Scientific and biological research.

Solutions for individuals and companies.
Domobios on video
They talk about us
“Dust mites “swarm” around houses, migrating as a group in search of moisture, according to a new study.”
“A group of ethologists — animal behaviorists — have demonstrated that these mites migrate through our homes in crowds.”
“Étudier la biologie des acariens, des punaises et d’autres créatures nuisibles afin de les combattre d’autant plus efficacement, c’est ce que fait la spin-off Domobios.”
“A en juger par les premières commandes, son piège à punaises de lit semble promis à un bel avenir commercial.”

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